Monday, April 4, 2011

Would you like a side of "feet in the ribs" with that?

Last weeks appointment also went well. I’m now 2cm and still 80% effaced. Our doctor had us fill in a birth plan so she could help answer any questions we had. I printed one off of It was extensive. I think out of the 6 pages I might have filled in 1 and a half of them. Some the questions I didn’t even understand lol. It was a good call though, she just went over everything with us. I feel a lot more comfortable about the whole labor thing lol. I’m definitely getting nervous now. I have 17 days to go! I Can’t believe I’m officially counting days already! 
I had a talk with miss Natalie today on my way to work asking her if she’d like to come early to maybe skip the next few days. Nick is in Miami for work Tuesday and Wednesday night. Not that it’s super far away, but I don’t want to interrupt his presentations and then have him drive 110mph on the highway coming back up north. I’m sure she is going to come whenever she is ready regardless of my request lol. It’s ok though, I’m just so excited we get to meet her soooooooo soon :)
This weekend was fun. We got to meet Nick’s buddy Ryan’s wife and kids. They were visiting from CHI-town. Such good kids, so cute, so smart. Their daughter Reese is so sweet. She made me so excited to have a little girl. They are so different then boys, it’s unreal. Their son chase talks up a storm, I was so impressed! And their little guy Blake was just a good boy. Totally easy going, I’m sure that’s a 3rd child thing. I got to play with him for a while as well, so fun! We also met their friends who live around the corner from us. They are also a really great couple with an adorable little boy who is 2. We don’t really have any friends with little ones so it was fun to get in some good practice. Getting to talk with a few mommys my age was the best part! They were really fantastic people (being from the mid-west I wouldn’t expect anything less), it was a good time. Nick was great with the kids, getting them all rilled up before bed time with piggy backs and bed jumping. It was cute to see him playing with them, and holding their littlest guy Blake. He is going to be a good dad :)
We went to my mom’s Saturday night for my brothers birthday. Food was awesome as usual. I got to have 2 delicious (NOT) Nonalcoholic beers. I can’t wait to have a real one soon. SHEESH! Lots of family, belly rubs, and another baby pool lol. Everyone has next week and the week after filled in. We’ll see! Kris from next door brought over her bassinet that her two kids used for us to borrow. So awesome! I used to change both her kids diapers, now they are all grown up. One in college and one in HS. Man I feel old. Very cool though, we are grateful to have such amazing people in our lives :)

I think I’ve done the last bit of baby laundry until she gets here. We got a few more gifts last week so I washed everything yesterday...shortly after that our washer machine broke. Oh the joys of home owning!! After an hour at Lowe’s and plenty of anxiety on my part we made a decision. Of course we picked the one that is on back order until next week. Perfect. Another reason maybe Natalie would like to wait it out a bit. I’m sure it’s comfy in my belly. Maybe a little tight. It’s fine. She’s tough. We took some belly shots, and some pics of Nat Tat listening to some tunes :)
The to-do list is getting slimmer. We still have to pack bags...Hopefully tonight after work we can get that done. The list Nick has made is massive. I’m sure some of it is unnecessary but non the less we will have everything covered just in case :) 

I still feel relatively well. I’m uncomfortable but I’m becoming used to it. I occasionally get some pressure and tightness, maybe Braxton hicks?? Not quite sure, but I'm sure its all normal. All the stories I have heard the last nine months really make me feel lucky. I’ve had a reasonably  smooth sailing pregnancy. A few bumps and symptoms, but I generally really enjoyed being preggo. It’s the coolest thing ever that a little person is growing in my belly. Women are so blessed to get to go through this. I might be screaming something different in the delivery room but as of today, I loved every minute, even the tough ones. Sleeping is like a joke at this point. Between peeing and trying to get comfortable I’ve just about given up. It’s fine, I laugh about it, I’m getting more sleep now then I will once Nat Tat gets here thats for sure :) I have another appointment thursday AM this week. We will see if there is anymore progress! 


  1. Wow. Stop right there. I will drive 170 and my list is 100% necessary! Lol

    I'm so excited to meet our little girl very soon!!!

    Love you!

  2. @ Nick: My grammar sucked...never trusting myself again. you need to check each post!!
