Friday, April 22, 2011

58 Contractions Later

58 contractions later and still not much closer. They're about 8 mins apart on average. Hopefully our little girl gets motivated soon!! I want a Earth Day baby!


  1. Hey there girl stop eating, eating during labor slows the process down. Keep yourself hydrated and only very small meals. As quoted by a study done : Food intake during the latent phase of the first stage of labor was associated with a longer duration of labor (mean difference = 2.35 hours). "

  2. Maybe she needs some musical motivation? Have you tried putting upbeat music or calming music next to her? I don't know if either would help, but maybe she needs some theme music. I know I can't work out without some good jams ;)

  3. You need to go run some errands. Or go to the mall or a movie Something to distract yourself so you don't go crazy!! :)
