Saturday, June 25, 2011

Video of Natalie Talking (sorry about Anchor Man playing in the background :)

9 weeks

Wow it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve posted. Holy Moly! Natalie is 9 weeks old and gets cuter by the minute. She smiles, coos lots, and giggles. It’s awesome. This past week and a half she has been on strictly formula. Needless to say she has slept through the night 7/10 of those nights. Goodness. THe first time she did I woke up at 6:45 in a complete panic. I proceeded to run into her room and make sure she was still breathing!  For now, sleep deprivation and I have broken up. Some nights it’s a good 7 hours, last night it was 9! I try to make sure I’m sleeping no more than an hour after she is that way I can get a good night too. The nights she wakes up it’s usually between 3-5 and she has no interest in going back to sleep. It’s ok...not complaining. I’m a lucky mommy that my 9 week old sleeps through the night at all! 
Natalie had her two month checkup on wednesday as well. She did great! The pediatrician (Dr. Gina) was very impressed with how strong she was. She did some tummy time in the office, and even gave the nurse a few giggles when she was checking her heart beat. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight (10lbs 8oz and 22 1/2 inches). Her head was in the 75th percentile and Nick immediately took all the credit for her big brain. It was cute. We talked formula, goopy eyes, feeding schedules, shot reactions, bug bites, and what to expect the next two months. At her 4 month appointment she said we would be discussing adding cereal to her diet. HOORAY we get to use the highchair :)
Week 6 was rough in the fuss bucket department. I had a few conversations with some girls at work and they all seemed to think she was colicky. I’d say maybe borderline. One night nick even had a hard time getting her to simmer down and he handed her back to me saying “ win...maybe she is colicky”. Who knows though, I really think some babies are just fussy! The last week though has been significantly better. Her schedule during the day is awesome, she gets a bit tough at night still but I think that’s normal. On a perfect day she eats every 3 hours. Eats, plays for 2 hours, naps for an hour, then eats again. Those are the best days! Playtime is my favorite, she is getting much more interactive with us. It’s so fun! 
I use the baby bjorn alot! At night when she gets over tired I put her in it and vacuum lol. Within 6 minutes she is out cold, it works like a charm. I can usually then get some laundry folded as well. I can’t wait to use it next month when I can face her forward. And we get to use the jumperoo next month too!! So many exciting things coming up. She still loves her rainforest, she kicks and kicks the rattles on there and gets so excited lol.
I went back to work this week, but only a few days. Still trying to get my schedule worked out. This way I can ease into leaving her with people. Mimi did great on Tuesday and Wednesday. So great she called me Thursday morning and wanted me to work and her to watch Natalie! It was cute. Mid July I’ll be back on track four days a week. I think I’m going to miss her. The two days this week were fine, but four days seems like alot! Sheesh. 
We are almost fitting into our 3 month stuff. Another month or so and we should be able to start wearing all the fun dresses she has hanging in her closet. It’s been really hot out so we have been dressing her in lots of tank top onesies. It’s tough to run multiple errands with her in the middle of the day. Poor munchkin gets all sweaty in and out of the car. We had a really great trip to babies r us yesterday where I proceeded to hold up the line with all my coupons. It was comical, but I saved $60.00!! Thats a tank of the supreme car wash!! 
Here is a video of her talking away with me last night. Anchor Man was on in the back round so it’s tough to hear lol. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

7 weeks

Our visit with uncle Ian and his girlfriend went wonderful. Nick’s buddy Jay was also here...he is always good entertainment. Funny dude! Uncle Ian was a huge help to me. I pawned Natalie off on him one afternoon and got a ton of work done! It was terrific. Man I need a babysitter lol. 
The last few days have been great though. Natalie is definitely developing a little bit of a pattern in her day. We have lots of play time. It’s insane how alert and active she is. I keep very busy occupying her. I love it! I chat with her all day long and have been getting lots of smiles. It makes my heart all warm!! I really feel like she knows who I am now...mommy!! 
I had my doctors appointment last friday and everything went well. I can EXERCISE!! The nurse in the office gave me shit when I got on the scale. I guess its appropriate to call a patient a bitch now a days.  I haven’t had the time to get on my bike yet but I plan on making time next week. We have been busy this week with grocery shopping and a trip to the mall. She did great with both, just slept lol. But we got all Nick’s gifts purchased for Fathers Day and his birthday! A very exciting month for us. This weekend Nick is in Tampa for a soccer game saturday and then we have a birthday pool party on sunday. We might attempt to take natalie in the pool :)
This is probably my last week of pumping. I’ll have enough milk to get her through 8 weeks. I’m comfortable with that. My milk production has started to slow down, since I’ve been supplementing. And I go back to work part time in a week and a half. I googled how to get your milk to dry up. Cabbage?? Sudafed?? Both random but I’ll try anything to make it as pain free as possible. 
Her poop officially stinks...downside of formula I guess lol. Washing bottles is for the birds. Multiple times I considered going out and buying the bag bottles. She is such a gas bomb though I figure I should try and stick with these Dr. Browns. I have yet to find a sitter for Monday's!! AHHHH getting a little frustrated. It's such an important day for me to work, but it's hard to just sign up to trust a stranger with my munchkin :(
I took a few pics today while she was playing on the boppy.