Saturday, April 16, 2011

I have the best wife ever!! She's 9 months pregnant, having contractions, and she's with me at Slainte's to watch the Manchester City game!

No big contraction news to report. Sporadic.

On a side note: we found a combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell!!

Another side note: we bought a Kings of Leon LP and a Ryan Adams LP at a random and crazy record store. They had a no cell phone policy, the owner was wearing an American flag + bling + sequin vest, and they made us all wait in line outside and only served us one at a time. Freaking weird!!


  1. Dude... that was the first taco bell/pizza hut you have ever seen??

  2. In south Florida - yeah. They're a rare find. V and I pulled up and rapped the song! It was a big fun afternoon!
