Friday, April 22, 2011

Nap Time

V's been ordered to take a short nap. I'll report when she wakes up :) She's been at it since 4 this morning! It's been a looong day of contractions.

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  1. Tell V she looks great! But, nap?!?! Get her out already. I can't stay up all night! :)

  2. I've been making calls to all the soon-to-be Tatge Uncles....everyone is so excited and sending you both all there love! For being in labor for so long you sure dont look it! V you are really handling this great, your beautiful.

  3. You looked a little more comfortable on the beach but you still look great :) Love you!!!!

  4. Yes, Grandma Peggy is keeping us updated!!! You look amazing V!!!! We're sending all our love your way!!!
