Friday, April 22, 2011

Still Every 10-15 Minutes

Contractions are getting stronger, just not any closer... V's getting a little frustrated. She's doing all of her jumping jacks, yoga squats, walking around every block, eating curry, everything she can to help the process along - but nothing will help speed the contractions up.

Any suggestions :)


  1. Castor oil?? Lol... Barf. Hopefully it won't be too much longer. :)

  2. I've been working with Travoprost all day; I could give V a hug. That would definitely speed things up! :)

  3. I know some doctors that if you are at the hospital they give an emena for a couple of reasons, speeds up labor and empties everything so no accidents during labor. I think that would be better than castor oil by far.
