Thursday, May 31, 2012

So much love :)

This may be a quicker post then I'd like but I'm sleepy! Tomorrow is a big day for us here in the Tatge house (hopefully). Our new babysitter is coming over for her first visit with Natalie. Hopefully everything goes well and she will be ready to start watching Bean Monday's and Wednesdays while I'm at work. I'm a little nervous with her being a college student. I know how tough it is when you are making class schedules trying to work around a job. I just hope it all works out. I'm tired of this process. It has actually made me consider school a lot earlier then I wanted to. I was hoping to hold out until 2, but I might give in this fall if I'm still struggling to find a good sitter. FINGERS CROSSED PLEASE :)

Natalie is awesome. She understands so much of what we say now - it's crazy. My favorite is when you ask her if she needs a new diaper she shakes her head yes and walks to the changing table lol. She listens to everything, and is really amazing us with her ability to figure out what we are saying. Still not speaking. She is a silent genius lol. We aren't worried though. She knows her animals and can point them out if you ask which is which. She knows all her body parts when you ask where they are. If you ask her how old she is she puts up the number 1. Can hand you all her toys by name, we are getting there. She is quietly taking it all in.

Although she was not so quietly taking in the Museum of Natural History last weekend in NYC. She had such a blast. She was going crazy for the stuffed animal exhibits. Laughing, pointing, leg kicking, OOOOO-ing, at everything. It was so cute, we were cracking up. People were stopping just to watch her run around and enjoy it all. My cousin Britt meet us there also, the museum was way more awesome then what I had expected!!

We had a great time staying in NJ with Jo and Wally. His parents are so nice, and were so helpful with Nat, such a fun filled weekend. My favorite part was visiting the venue where Jo and Wally want to get married, and the Bikram Yoga Jo dragged me too. I set up my mat right under the heat vent - I didnt know any better, but I DO NOW! It was hell, but fantastic all at once.

I'm excited to have a date night with Nick tomorrow night. He has a very busy travel schedule this month. I'm scared lol. I might be crashing at moms in between work days a few times. He did the math the other day and figured out he will only be home 10 nights the whole month. Poopy. It's ok though, because we are heading up to WISCO the end of June! I'm so stoked to see everyone. And for everyone to see Bean!!

A few quick updates on the bean:
-She is eating much better. Pasta and sauce is her new favorite dinner - just like mommy.
-We are down to only a night time bottle. Getting rid of the morning bottle only took two tough mornings.
-She still eats lots of fruit and carbs. I'm limiting her pouches as much as possible.
-I found a play kitchen on Craigslist for $10.00. SHE LOVES IT!
-She still loves the pool, Mickey Mouse, animals, her daddy, touch and feel flashcards, her owl "hoot", and her pink car.
-Recently a bit shy with strangers, needs a solid 15 minutes of clinging then breaks out all her tricks.
-Oddest thing she does: picks up her wooden puzzle pieces, licks them, and puts them back. lol
-Daddy's favorite bean moments: When they play chase each other around the house. She cracks up and gets so excited! And when she gets cuddly at bedtime. Also when he asks her "where's the bellybutton" she lifts up his shirt and puts her thumb into his bellybutton - she laughs so hard.
-Best noises: She is a gremlin, and also has an awesome evil laugh.

Thats all for now. Good night :)

 Excitement at the Museum!!
picking flowers in the garden

Hanging with Aunt Jo

Coloring! Kinda! 
Checking out the view

Best place to be in the summer!

Reading in her tent :)

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