Monday, May 7, 2012



Miss natalie has decided her crawling days have come to an end!! She has been taking a few steps here and there for weeks. But last Monday she was taking about 5 or 6 steps at a time, and by Saturday she was officially walking like a big girl! It is the cutest thing ever, she is so proud of herself, and insists on carrying things with her while she walks. The remote, elmo, her purse, her milk cup etc. She look like a little mini frankenstein when she walks too. This is sooooo much fun! It also makes me well up with proud-ness and love :)


She loves her car. She sits in there
with her baby and her milk and watches Mickey.
We played in our pool from Uncle
Richy over the weekend!

She is also eating a bit better as well, sometimes. Much more big girl food. Still loves her pouches. Only two REAL milk bottles a day, morning and night. No more formula, and we will start weening the morning bottle in another few weeks. She does well with the cup, only water still and milk of course. She is eating 3 meals a day and usually 2 snacks.

We also just planned two summer trips. NJ/NYC for memorial day weekend, and WISCO in late June early July. A little airplane prep before the big IRELAND trip should be fun :)

Natalie is really doing well with shaking her head yes. Still not any meaningful words. She says "Na-Na" and points when she wants something. Babbles lots of mama's, dada's, and makes lots of crazy noises. Uncle Richy is convinced she makes snake noises, and can point out several Animals. If you ask her where mommy, daddy, doggie, elmo, mickey and a few others she also points. Getting better with working on "Hi". Loves to dance, loves music, and sings in the car. She loves brushing her teeth, and her hair (still not much lol). I feel like I'm forgetting lots.

Still no luck with finding a sitter while I'm at work. I only need two days a week. The other day is covered by Mimi! I'm going to miss having Jamie, she is AMAZING with bean! Fingers crossed I find someone soon :)


Ok...Just over a week ago Nick and I thanked God that our little girl was ok. Our dog Winston (our first child) bit Natalie. We were hanging in the living room on a Sunday afternoon and Natalie was playing on the floor with the dogs (typical activity). Natalie always picks up their toys and hands them to them. She thinks its funny, both dogs play along. Unfortunately Winston lost his patience with Nat and bit her on the wrist. It was extremely scary, we rushed her to after hours pediatrics. He broke the skin in several places. One cut was a bit deeper than the others. The doctor recommended not doing stitches due to the infection risk. He said she would heal just fine, and not to worry. We are soooo sooo grateful she is ok. It could have been much worse. I just keep looking at her feeling so lucky this wasn't a much scarer story.

Once we knew she was ok, and playing fine, using her hand wrist and smiling away a few hours later the reality set in. Winston had to go. He has snapped at her once before, but no damage was done. We said then if it happened one more time, that was it. Saying it has been a very rough week is an understatement. I can't stop crying. Thank goodness my dad offered to take winston last Monday morning until we found him a good home. Nick and I are both devastated. We know we are doing the right thing, but we miss him so much. To top it off our little Mia is so sad, and cries when we are gone. I feel bad for her.

There is, however, a happy ending. My dad came over a few days ago after we had told him we found a potential home for Winston and said he wants to keep him. That way we can still see him, my dad can have a handsome, well trained, smart, fun dog (he has been wanting one lately) and this won't seem so sad. On another good note our friends Lindsey and Adam, who live in our neighborhood, are going to give Mia a new home (maybe)! They are keeping her for a few days to see how she gets along with their other two girls. So far so good. Meanwhile I've been staying at my moms. When Nick is gone and Winston isn't there to protect me and Mia isn't there to cuddle it's way to lonely. I'll get over it. Lots of people have told me their similar stories. It's very comforting. Lots of people said to get a Lab. lol ::sigh::

Ok, I'm sleepy, and my cousin just made some sick awesome cookie brownie...Mmmm!!

1 comment:

  1. What a sad story... but glad your pups will be close by!

    Oh and the walking! So much fun! Be prepared for lots of bruises! But they bounce back quickly.
