Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby Tatge....or Mia Hamm??

What....a crazy week! We had company in town, so good to see my bff 1 & 2. I miss having my closest friends around! New years Eve was another sober-rific shindig for me...we played games, ate delicious food, and caught up on life. Everyone (else) got good and drunk lol. Good times for sure. Remember those few friends you might have had in college that didn't ever drink and would end up babysitting everyone on the wknds?? Well I remember them, and luckily for me this is only a nine month session of their entire college career. I feel like I instantly turn into a mom the minute the third shot of whiskey is consumed. But at least we are all old enough to take care of ourselves at this point...kinda lol. ENTERTAINMENT!

I still have wicked amounts of heartburn. I should take out stock in TUMS & Horizons milk. I've also developed some back pain, well more like shooting pains. Getting up out of a chair is a much slower process than normal. I'm hitting up the chiropractor tomorrow. But this last week I have been distracted from the burn and the back by all the kicking going on in my belly. Tiff even got to feel here kick after eating boneless buffalo wings in duffy's Sunday. Monday while sitting on the couch with Jo we could actually see the kicks happen!! It was crazy awesome. I keep trying to show Nick but each time he is watching the little monkey stops moving. It's amazing I've started to get used to her schedule. Certain parts of the day she is so active and others not at all. There is no doubt she will be tearing up the pitch in a few years. She already has a pink soccer ball, courtesy of her daddy. So incredible there is a little person hanging out in my belly!!!

Mom, Jo and I did a little baby shower planning as well the last few days. Super exciting...I now dream in pink!! So much pink...good god lol. So far this ex tomboy is adjusting pretty well to all the girly-ness going on in the nursery closet :) I'm excited about getting the nursery decorated. Nick said he is going to work on the closet this weekend, and he ordered the dresser this week too! He is such a big help! We had to do some registry updating as well, some people from work have been asking where I'm registered already. I love my clients (most days)!! If anyone has gotten any great registry advice, please help. It's overwhelming.

Lindsay (other pregnant girl) at work is going to be induced tmrw, I think I'm nervous for her. She has decided she is definitely having an epidural. I'm still frightened by that term. She is having a girl too, so excited for her. Can't wait to meet her little London. It will be fun to have girls together so close in age.

I have a wardrobe update.... Jo and wally accompanied me to the mall on monday night and I finally gave in and went to pea in a pod. So damn overpriced, but I found a pair of "V" jeans. Skinny leg, funky color, perfect with old man shoes. I'm thrilled. They are really comfortable and compared to the other 7 pairs I tried on, they were on the cheaper end. Then we went in my most hated store....forever 21. It was torture, but in the end, a great success. Got 5 shirts, size medium, so they are loose and comfy...for now. It's nice to have a few more options. I'm sure everyone at work was tired of looking at me in the same pants and same 4 shirts rotated all week. Oh by the way, Macy's clearance section for babies is ridiculously awesome. I couldn't believe how many items rang up for $3.58. SUPER!

Today I had another fake pizza craving. Drove way out of my way (in a hurricane-like down pour) to find a pizza hut before was worth it.

Bed is calling, I'm pretty exhausted this week. I'm sure it was the fun packed few weeks of holidays, work, and visitors we had...also worth it :)

I'm due to post a belly pic, I know, I'll get on this wknd!


  1. love this V!!!
    I can't wait to see your growing belly <3

  2. Hi! This is Jenny... my husband Ryan works with your husband... Anyway, it's fun reading your blog, though getting a size medium at Forever 21 so things are baggy?? I would have to get a medium there non-prego! Ha. Anyway, being the sober one is so awesome, isn't it?! I had to do that at Ryan's 30th birthday party. It's fun for a while and then it's like-- "get me a cocktail!" Ok, well enjoy being prego. I will enjoy reading about it!
