Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Hey Vanesser, your face is looking a little plump".

Is it just old people in general, or strictly old New Yorker woman?? I love how my clients just say whatever they think with no regard as to how it might come out of their mouths lol. If anything it's good entertainment. For the record my face does NOT look plump... I'll cut Arlene Goldstein.

What........... an annoying mess this Glucose situation has become. I will address this briefly so I don't get all fired up again before bed. Apparently Quest Diagnostics wants to make my life hell. The woman who handled my misery last wednesday wasn't trained on how to administer the test properly and now I have to sit through ANOTHER 3 HOURS!! When questioning the nurse if this was really necessary considering i have no signs or symptoms of gestational diabetes, she replied ::long pause:: "YES!". Needless to say I will be back in that office Friday.

Next Topic. Nat Tat really enjoys sitting directly on my sciatic nerve. This causes some pain, and the unwarned loss of leg function while walking. But other than leg cramps, heartburn, and the inability to remove my self from the couch alone, we are doing just dandy! I really do feel pretty good, I didn't notice to many changes when I entered the 3rd tri a few weeks ago. It's very exciting that I'm at the 30 week mark this week. It's starting to creep up on us :)

I feel lately that my blogs have been a bit more of a bitch session then they used to be... not that this will change much the rest of my pregnancy, i just wanted it noted that I'm aware.

There is some serious acrobatics going on in my belly. It's unbelievable!! She is so active, I absolutely love every minute of it. We went to the 4-D ultrasound last friday and technology really is mind blowing!! I can't describe how cool it was to see her that clearly. The tech said the placenta was in the way the whole time, so I cant imagine what a clear shot looks like. We did get a few really neat pics, and yes she is still a girl lol. They are having us come back on the 18th to see if they can get a better view. It was pretty amazing :)

Both baby showers are approaching, I can't wait!! So excited for all the out of town guests we will be getting, absolutely can't wait to see everyone. I went to the prenatal workout class again this week. I really like going. It's not as hardcore of a workout as I was used to pre-pregnancy, but it's a lot of stretching, some weights, and squats. All very important for the adventure of delivering a child. I'm definitely still the youngest one in class by a long shot, so it makes me a little quieter than usual. Many of them are there strictly for the social chit chat, but most of them are stay at home moms who rightfully crave grown up interaction. Of the 8 girls in class 7 of them are already signed up for epidurals (I'm the 8th). Then they read me statistics stating that only 6-10% of women opt to have NO pain meds, and 67% of women choose to get an epidural... this is making me want to vomit. I'm  hoping to get some more encouragement in the birthing classes next month.

We have also been receiving all kinds of fun registry gifts in the mail the last week! It's like Christmas everyday!! The nursery is filling up rapidly, so awesome!! It's bed time, I'll try to update again this week. As we count down these last 10 weeks I want to be sure I'm updating as much as possible :)


  1. I hope the test goes good this time... What a PIA! Glad you're feeling so good! Lots of women go without pain meds, you'll be ok. If you need or want any advice you can always talk to my Mamma Mia - she's been an OB nurse for like 25 years now. :)

  2. PS. I love you're backgrounds!!!

  3. Thanks Dana!! I'll definitely look your momma up on FB :)

  4. Oh no! She's not on Facebook.... I should just make her an account :)
