Tuesday, December 14, 2010

22 weeks!

Soooooo I finally felt a little kick last Thursday night!! Haven't felt anything else since but it was awesome. I think I smiled for 20 minutes straight afterwards. I still feel flutteries but I can't wait till the kicks are more consistent.

My struggles this last 2 weeks have been weight gain. I'm eating and eating, I've stopped exercising, protein shakes each day!!! What the hell. Since my last appointment on November 30th (dr yelled at me) I haven't gained anything. Im making it my main focus, I want 4 pounds before January 1st.

Nick and I also did our registries online a few nights ago. That was fun, and confusing lol. So much unnecessary stuff. Tried to stick to basics. We (meaning nick lol) looked all of the big stuff up on consumer reports first and went with the top choices there. Nick is great, he has done so much research and is so involved in all of this, it's amazing. I'm a lucky girl. He had the most fun picking out all kinds of cool toys, and books for the little monkey. Overall registering was exciting. Just a side note, amazon baby registry...best idea ever!! So many more options, free shipping, and way less expensive!!

I had chili for dinner, courtesy of my mom :) it was Delicious as always, but I need my ice cream. Heartburn is kicking!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm blogging...what ever that means...hehe!!
    Im enjoying your blogs, you & Nick are going to be great parents. Youre taking such good care of you & Natalie...very proud of you. I can't wait to hold her, I love her already!
