Saturday, October 15, 2011


Lots of pictures this post! I usually don't but I did. BOOM! 

Big Girl Car Seat!

Bath time :)

My teeth hurt daddy!

I realize its been 11 days since my last post, but I wanted to update on how the "crying it out" situation went. Night 1 worked. It was miserable. But night 2 only took 15 minutes. I only had to go in there once, and night 3 took 5 minutes. In the last 12 days we have had 8 perfect nights of sleep. She puts herself to sleep like a champ at 9:00PM. Sometimes she talks to herself for a while first. But she stays asleep ALL NIGHT until about 7:00AM! We have had 2 or 3 nights where she wakes up, but she goes back to sleep after 5 minutes or so...WITHOUT me putting the binky back in her month. This morning she woke up at 5:30 ready to party. I guess this will happen occasionally. I'm more than pleased and hoping it keeps up :)

I can't believe she is almost 6 months already. She has been getting so good with sitting up. She even catches her balance a little bit now. Sitting really opens up a whole new world of playtime!! It's such a blast, I love thursdays and fridays when I get to be home with her all day. The living room floor is where we spend most of our time playing since it's the only place down stairs that has some cushion on the floor. She stills loves the walker and the jumperoo. The exersaucer is upstairs must of the time so I can shower, or put laundry away. The acid forest is getting phased out since she gets aggravated trying to roll when she gets blocked in.

She Insists on having one toy in each hand and slams them up and down vigorously. I just try to stay out of her way lol. Everything still goes in the mouth, and if she sees me on my iPhone, she has to have it! I feel as though I need to sanitize it daily now cause eventually she is going to win the battle and get it in her mouth. She is such a happy girl! Always laughing at nothing, smiling away. She makes me one happy mommy :)

Side Note: Nick and I watched bridesmaids last night (i made him). It was even funnier the second time! The deleted scenes are hilarious!

We are officially loving the jogging stroller. Nick got me the city elite for mothers day and we have been using it the past few weeks. I have yet to have time to run/blade but it will come. I haven't been able to workout in over a month. It's gross. I don't feel like myself. I was starting to get back in shape in august and now I'm back at square one. It's only going to get busier with the holidays and work!! AAGGGHHHH! Staying positive though, I'm going today for sure!!

Bean eats everything!! I'm a baby food making machine. This week I made, butternut squash, peas, string beans, zucchini, and sweet potatoes. I have enough veggies frozen to last till thanksgiving. No joke. Maybe longer. I want to do carrots but they don't puree as smoothly as I'd like, so I've been buying the brand "Earth's Best" for carrots and fruit. Didn't know avocado was a fruit until I started doing this though. Random. Nat's a fan of avocado like her mommy! That and bananas are the easiest to make, no cooking involved.

We are taking on a few big house projects within the next month. Hoping to have everything done before Nick's mom gets here for Thanksgiving! We are redoing the floors with new tile downstairs! I'm so excited! We might also redo the downstairs bathroom! And Aunt Dana is designing our new family room! We can't wait, she is awesome. It's going to look amazing! My parents are nice enough to take on the chaos known as the Tatge clan! It will be a house full lol.

clearly hates pumpkins. 
We are attempting the farm again this weekend in hopes that Natalie will be in a better mood lol. I'm determined to find an orange tutu today for her to wear tomorrow. No luck still on an orange bow. I'm not creative sooooo making it is not an option!

I survived my first cold with a child. It's pretty intense, but I'm just thankful nat and nick didn't get sick also. Nick did a morning for me with her so I could try and get a little extra rest. And my awesome receptionist at work covered for me tuesday to save me the hassle.

Our friends Tara and Matt are getting married next weekend in Celebration, FL!!!! We are so stoked, I can't wait!! We are leaving bean with my mom for the night and driving up. Jo and Wally fly in Friday!! Wooohooo!! I miss them, it's rough having your bff so far away, you'd think it would get easier since it's been 6 years....not so much. I can't wait for them to spend time with Nat, it will be a fun filled weekend, that's for sure!

Nick and I had a date night last weekend! We went to a US soccer game. Pretty fantastic I must say! Way better than watching baseball! US won, of course, cause we were there. We both classed it up and had a monster sized hot dog and a miller lite. Nice!

Ok huge post! We have a lot to do this weekend, and delicious burgers to eat tonight at our friends Jim & Julie's house! Hooray! I still have to get a dress for next weekend. Nick is going to be my fashion advisor, and Natalie will be toughest critic in the dressing room. Laundry to do, groceries to buy, busy busy :)

Peace out.

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