Sunday, July 10, 2011

11 weeks

Clearly trying to post every week after going back to work just doesn't happen! I feel like I could write a novel after two weeks of not posting. Well this is my new favorite photo of my munchkin. I'm trying to learn how to use Lightroom (photo program.) Maybe I should have taken up this project when I was pregnant and bored waiting for Natalie to get here, cause there is a ton to learn. 

Last week Nick and I went and renewed our membership for the gym in the neighborhood. I went immediately after we handed in our paperwork and check! It. Was. Awesome. I missed sweating so much and I'm getting tired of this mushy post Natalie body I've been rocking. Last summer I was in the best shape of my entire life and I'm ready to get back to that (hopefully lol). At least close anyway, Nick is pleased with the mom butt I have developed and I'm pretty sure the hips I have now aren't going anywhere, and I'm ok with that. I have yet to get on my bike, but I did use the spin bike a few times in the gym. Nick is a huge help with my schedule, he has mornings 3 days a week so I can workout for a hour. And today (Sunday) I apparently have the whole day off!! He has been up with her since 7:30, I slept till 9:30. And after I finish this post my day consists of the gym, maybe some sun, the market, and making guacamole! I told him I didn't really want the whole day off though cause tomorrow I start back working on Mondays again. I'm happy cause it's an important day for me to get things done at the shop but I'm going to miss my girl....a lot :(

Enough about me...I don't care that other people think they have cool kids, they just aren't as cool as my kid lol. She's fantastic! She play so much, can sit up in the bebe pod seat, giggles in her sleep, rocks tummy time, eats like a champ, is grabbing her toys, loves her blankie, we have great conversations, she hugs her daddy (not really but sometimes it looks like she is), and stares at winston. I read the book 12 hours of sleep by 12 weeks (thanks Jenny!!) and learned a lot. Some of it seems a little unrealistic, but I definitely got some pointers. I started changing her schedule to 5 5 oz bottles a day instead of 6 4oz bottles. She has done well with that the last two days and hopefully I can get her to go to sleep a little earlier than 11, 11:30 ish. I'm generally pretty exhausted everyday by 9 so it's a push to stay up till 12. Eventually the book says you can have them sleeping for 12 hours and only eating 4 bottles a day. We will see I guess, I have a hard time with the "letting them cry" method. 

Last week was the first time I said "I want another one" and actually meant it. Not anytime soon obviously, but they get big so fast, it's crazy. I miss when she was "still to little" for everything!! And she is only 11 weeks...SHEESH! I can now officially tell the difference between hungry cry, tired cry, and I just want your attention cry. It makes things easier lol. She goes down for a nap much better then she used to. Natalie has taken to this little blanket she has and now it's a vital part of nap time. She likes to grab on to it. So she gets a binky, her little blankie, and I rock her for a few minutes and she's out. Unless of course she gets too tired before I have a chance to follow the directions above. Then it's a little more complicated. 

At night she is sleeping usually 7-8 hours (which means I can get 6 good hours). Occasionally she wakes up in between but i can usually put a binky in her month, re-swaddle her and rub her head for a minute and she goes back to sleep.  I am starting to worry about the swaddling situation. She won't sleep as long at night without it. And I don't know how to wean her out of it. AGGHH! I like to sleep. We don't have another doctors appointment until 4 months in august so Ill have to ask about it then. 

She is wearing most of her 3 month stuff. 3-6 clothes are still big on her though. Some of her carters sleepers are too tight in the length area. I have cut feet out of 2 gerber sleepers, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot if we are blessed with another one in a few years. I didn't realize baby sizes from brand to brand would very as much as jeans do for me. 

Last week I put her in the bjorn for a few of my errands. There was 3 stores in the same plaza I needed to hit so I just walked it. Didn't seem worth dragging out the stroller. I read some more info on the jumperoo. I guess I was mistaken. I thought they could use it at 3 months but a few things I read said 6 months. who knows. ill probably wait till her 4 month appointment and ask if she thinks its ok. 

Two side notes and then I'm off to the gym. 
1. I used to be a beer aficionado. yesterday I had an great summer grapefruit beer and texted my friends about it only to find out that I'm lame, and everyone has already tried it. POOP. 
2. Nick bought me a book called "Let's panic about babies". The subtitle of the book says "How to endure and possibly triumph over the adorable tyrant who will ruin your body, destroy your life, liquefy you brain, and finally turn you into a worthwhile human being". I can't wait to read it lol. I flipped through a few pages and it's hilarious. WOOHOOO. 
Look at those cheeks!!


  1. If you need any lightroom help, I'll gladly answer any questions.

  2. she's amazinggg and I love these pictures.

    I should read your books.

    You're doing so fabulous, Nat is lucky to have you as a mama!


  3. I'm so glad you still do the blog posts!! I LOVE reading them! Love you and miss you!

