Wednesday, January 25, 2012

9 Months!

We had Natalie's 9 month checkup today! I can't believe she is 9 months already. When they told me today they needed to make her 1 year appointment I wanted to cry. It's incredible how much they grow and change in the first year. It's been a while (way too long) since I was able to post last, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Ok, so today her stats were 50 percentile for height and weight and 80 percentile for her head (thank you Tatge family lol). 18 pounds 9 ounces and 27 1/2 inches long. She is growing perfectly symmetrical according to Dr. Gina. I'm not quite sure what she means by that, but sounded good lol.

Dr. Gina was thrilled with her expansive diet. Bean literally eats EVERYTHING I put on a spoon. I hope it lasts. However, lately she has really been pushing away her bottles. I think she just much rather eat food. Most days she does fine with formula, others it's a fight. But her pediatrician said she is growing perfect and not to worry. Similac has a "Go & Grow" formula for 9 months+ that I think I'm going to switch her too. Lots of vitamins and minerals in less formula so it will help fill the gaps. Bean uses a sippy cup and a cup with a straw now. I still haven't done juice. She gets plenty of fruit in a day and I rather her be a big water drinker like her mommy. I drink Green Machine from the brand Naked in the AM with my vitamins and she will have some of that out of my cup. I'm rather surprised she likes it, but it's good stuff.

New foods she has conquered: quinoa, beets, spinach, broccoli, hummus, cauliflower, white and black beans, all berries, corn, purple carrot (whatever that is), yogurt (yoyo baby), and toast.
She has had ground beef, turkey and chicken for animal protein so far. Whole grain oatmeal for breakfast, she eats all fruits (except citrus). I'm going to try eggs, pasta and cut up chicken this week.

We are working on "no-no" the last 2 months. She usually will stop what she is doing, look at me, smile, and go right back to doing it when I say it to her. It's comical...for now. We are having such a hard time finding a baby gate that work for the bottom of the stairs. Whoever designed our staircase didn't have babies. If I stand behind her she will climb the stairs like a champ so right now I block them off with a rigged gate. It's frustrating. If anyone has any suggestion please help.

She is not walking as of yet, thank god! I'm so not ready for that. She crawls all over the house, and pulls herself up on EVERYTHING. We have no coffee tables in our house for this reason. She will walk if you hold her hands, and will take steps holding on to the couch or her toys.

She dances when music is played (it's adorable)! And she figured out how to clap last month. First it was mini fist pounds, now it's full on palm to palm clapping :)

She says "ma-ma" and "da-da" but she has not put a purpose to any of it yet. If you ask her to say dada she says mama lol. It's so funny. When she is mad she yells "ya-ya-ya-ya". She has a heck of a temper, but 99% of the time she is a happy, smiley little girl.

She likes Sesame Street, Elmo's World, and Mickey Mouse Club. I've yet to see her sit for more than 5 minutes watching anything. She rather play with her toys. She will sit for her Mimi and watch Sesame Street at her house, but not at home. She still loves books, and the Fisher Price apps on my cell phone are life savers. She cracks up at animal noises, and we are just starting to work on body parts now. She loves her musically instruments she got for Christmas from Santa, especially the drums! So much fun, I am so in love, and this age is amazing!!

We had the Tatge Christmas and Natalie's Baptism two weekends ago. It was fantastic having family and friends in town! My best friend Jo and Nick's oldest brother Ryan are Natalie's God Parents. The ceremony was wonderful and bean laughed and made space ship noises through the whole thing lol. We had a great time, but the visits were way to short. Uncle Ryan and Aunt Dana stayed in town for a extra week. They were a huge help and Natalie had a blast playing with them all week. She got tons of toys and cute clothes, books, and photo frames for Christmas and her baptism. A cabbage patch baby was my favorite of her new toys from Grandpa Dennis.

She was a little off with her sleep schedule last month but we are getting back on track. 6/7 nights she goes to sleep by herself at around 8:00 and doesn't wake up till 6 or 7. When she has a bad night and daddy isn't traveling he usually sneaks in and rocks her to sleep. I can't tell him no, it's so sweet :)

She is definitely a daddy's girl. When he gets home from his work trips she is all his! She criess when he puts her down, has no interest in mommy and just wants nothing but him. I love it, its makes my heart warm. And I know after a long week on the road he couldn't be happier with her clingy-ness :)

1 comment:

  1. I know I shouldn't rock her, but I can't help it :)
    Great post babe! Love ya!
