Thursday, December 15, 2011

We have a mover!!

Nick called it!! Thanksgiving week she started to crawl, pull herself up, and cut her first tooth! Right around her 7 month birthday. I'm so glad Nick's mom was here for all the fun! Now, a month later, she basically crawls all over my house. It's so awesome, and so scary all at once. She has bumped her head a few times, but seems to be pretty durable at this point. She has pulls herself up on everything. This week though was the first time I walked into her room to get her from her nap and she was standing in the crib!! It was so exciting, it made me well up. I took 900 pictures as she stood there all proud. It was adorable. Her personality is really starting to shine through. She is definitely our kid, never stops moving, eats everything I put on a spoon (or on her tray), and she's funny :) 

The house renovations are really coming to a close. Nick and I love the outcome, it's been a long month and a half though. Can't wait to be finished! Our sister-in-law Dana is going to help us with all the decorating when they come visit next month. 

Nick's new job is going great. I'm getting adjusted to him not being here. It's tough, but getting easier each week. This week he has been gone since sunday AM and doesn't get home till tonight (thursday). I'm hoping this is an abnormally long trip, 5 full days is rough. The hardest part is having to walk winston when I get home from work tuesday and wednesday night (sometimes not till 9:00). Nat has been going to bed early so I have to put a sleeping baby in a stroller and walk him. No fun. Might be looking into having a neighborhood kid walk him those days. Professional dog walkers apparently make really good money. Sheesh. 

Natalie got sick last wednesday, she is a trooper though. I caught her cold and now we are both coughing and sneezing. She is getting much better the last two days. She is on amoxicillin :( Her cold turned into an ear infection which commonly happens with babies...apparently. So much to learn. After hour pediatrics was awesome! Thank goodness it's a 1/2 mile from my house. And it was free...I've got the hook up in the insurance department lol. 

I got a new high chair from IKEA. iIt's amazing, so easy, so much cleaner, and $25.00. If you are preggo and contemplating buying a huge, pretty, cushiony one for $150.00 don't do it. Borrow one from someone, then once they can sit on their own buy the IKEA one. 

Thanksgiving was amazing! She had a blast with family and we all ate too much. Nat had some mashed potatoes, and puree turkey with cranberries. Getting so excited for Christmas, she loves all the lights! Nick and I already went and played santa, it was so much fun!! She obviously has no idea, but we can't wait. Last christmas I was 5 month preggo, feeling great, and dreaming about our little girl. Now this christmas will be so special having her here. 

This weekend our task at hand is to finish decorating and send out or christmas cards. We are late, but have a valid excuse...she is cute and we call her Bean. 

I did make some notes the past two months with the intentions of doing a blog update much sooner. So here we go:
-She has two teeth on the bottom. 
-She weighs 17lbs.
-She is wearing mostly 9 month clothes (PJs are tight on the legs).
-She crawls everywhere
-She pulls herself up
-She walks if you hold her hands
-She eats chicken, turkey and beans for protein
-All vegetables and pretty much all fruits
-We have yogurt for a snack, puffs, and an occasional mum mum.
-I'm still pushing organic only diet, haven't been making as much of her food (busy with the house...and holidays).
-She uses a sippy cup, although sometimes I give her just the cup part (I've been advised by a speech pathologist to switch the a straw cup. I'll be doing so ASAP).
-Water only, no juice yet. 
-She is in size 2-3 diapers and I no longer like regular pampers. Baby Dry rule. I might try huggies soon.
-Not that I was a huge fan of the giant bows that take up my whole childs face, but anything we put on her head she yanks off lol. 
-Getting her diaper changed or dressed for the day is a task. She refuses to sit still, it's comical. 
-SHe is a happy happy baby. Always smiling
-Only gets fussy when she is tired. 
-Wants to play and play all day. 
-Natalie loves books, her binky and blanky, her daddy (when he is home she crys when he leaves the room), being sang to, Winston, blocks, being outside, peek-a-boo, wheels on the bus, and itsy bitsy spider, and music. 
-We play dave matthews lullaby music on the car ride home when I work and she falls right to sleep :)

Our little Bean will be 8 months old next week. I wish I could stop time, it's incredible how fast it goes by. She brings so much joy to our life, puts a smile on our faces, and so much love in our hearts. This has been the best year of my far :)

The next 2 weeks are the busiest weeks for me at work, so I'll be blogging again after the new year. Happy and a healthy holiday to everyone!!!
Thanksgiving with Nama and Daddy
Thanksgiving Mit, mommy, and Mimi

Daddy Time :)
IKEA highchair
Helping me do laundry

Standing in her crib!

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